Tim Tebow shirtless in GQ: would you hit it? Do you care?

Tim Tebow appears shirtless inside GQ, in a kind of artsy black and white Jesus-y pose in some football pants that probably look better from behind. On the cover, he stares into your soul while showing you his armpit hair. This September both Tebow and another quarterback named Cam Newton have GQ covers. I guess

Tim Tebow appears shirtless inside GQ, in a kind of artsy black and white Jesus-y pose in some football pants that probably look better from behind. On the cover, he stares into your soul while showing you his armpit hair. This September both Tebow and another quarterback named Cam Newton have GQ covers. I guess Newton plays for the Carolina Panthers while Tim plays for the NY Jets – he was just traded to the Jets and it’s a big deal given his celebrity status.

Prior to this I had no idea who Cam Newton is, I’m sorry but sports are not my thing, but I googled him and he’s way hotter with less hair. Plus he’s 6’5″! I love tall guys. Last fall Cam was dating Ciara, but he’s been linked to other women this year. Anyway I’m focusing on Cam because Tim is not doing it for me, he never really has.

Tebow is a 25 year-old virgin and he’s not my type at all, not that a 25 year-old virgin could ever be my type regardless of how hot he is. Some of you like him so we thought we’d run these pics. (This goes out to a friend of mine who asks about Tim, I know she’ll enjoy these! I tell her we don’t have any gossip about him basically ever, except when Swifty allegedly hit on him.)

The article in GQ is very football-centric, and Kaiser and I both tried to read it and didn’t get/weren’t interested in most of it. For those of you who are into football, you can read it here. It’s primarily about how the cult and hype around Tebow, a devout Evangelical Christian, does not necessarily live up to his performance. They’re kind of mocking that with the shirtless pose. The author attends training camp for The Jets and asks Tebow a question during a press conference and that’s it. Cam Newton’s interview is more personal and one-on-one, and it’s at this link. It was also written for football fans, which is understandable. I’m just here for the beefcake. Why can’t we see Cam shirtless too damnit?!

This photo is pretty good, even if Cam’s shirt is still on.

He’s so cute!

I have to admit Tim has really nice eyes.

Photos courtesy of GQ, where there are more.
Tim Tebow’s slideshow.
Cam Newton’s slideshow.

