Alex Propson is one of the new cast members of the Bravo reality series Winter House, which premiered on October 24, 2023. The show follows a group of friends from Southern Charm and Summer House as they spend two weeks in a luxurious ski chalet in Stowe, Vermont. Alex is also known for his appearance on Below Deck Sailing Yacht, where he worked as a deckhand on a 177-foot yacht sailing across Greece, Croatia, and Spain.
But who is Alex Propson, and how old is he? Here are some facts about the Winter House star’s age and background that you may not know.
Alex Propson’s Age and Birthday
According to his Instagram post on July 25, 2023, Alex Propson was born on July 25, 1994, in Wisconsin, United States. He is therefore 29 years old as of 2023 and celebrates his birthday on the 25th of July every year.
Alex is a Leo by zodiac sign, which means he is confident, charismatic, and creative. He often posts pictures of his adventures and travels on his social media accounts, showing his fun-loving and adventurous personality.
Alex Propson’s Background and Education
Alex Propson grew up in Appleton, Wisconsin, where he attended school until he went on to pursue higher education at the University of Wisconsin in Oshkosh. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration in 2016.
Alex was always interested in sports and fitness, and he started his career as a sales manager at Xperience Fitness, a gym chain in Wisconsin. However, he soon realized that he wanted to do something more challenging and exciting with his life.
Alex Propson’s Yachting Career and TV Shows
Alex Propson decided to pursue his passion for the ocean and became a yacht captain. He moved to Los Angeles, where he met people who introduced him to the yachting industry. He then relocated to South Florida and continued working as a deckhand after getting his captain’s license. He is now a licensed United States Coast Guard Captain.
Alex got his first taste of fame when he joined the cast of Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 in 2023. He worked as a deckhand under Captain Glenn Shephard and impressed the viewers with his skills and professionalism. He also had a fling with stewardess Dani Soares on the show.
Alex then joined the cast of Winter House Season 3 in 2023, where he mingled with some of the popular personalities from Southern Charm and Summer House. He was seen flirting with Danielle Olivera, a marketing manager from New York City who also appeared on Summer House Season 2. However, it is not clear if they are still dating or not.
Alex Propson is one of the rising stars in the reality TV world, and he has a lot of potential to make it big. He has a loyal fan base who admire his good looks, charming personality, and adventurous spirit. He is also venturing into the yachting business and hopes to own his own yacht someday.